
Scarlet Imprint was founded in 2007 by Peter Grey and Alkistis Dimech, with the talismanic publication of 156 copies of The Red Goddess. We aim to bring a new energy and vision to occult publishing and stimulate the resurgence in the practice and study of magic and esotericism, whilst pursuing excellence in the book arts.

The book is a tangible object of power. Our books are designed and typeset in house, and are widely recognised for their aesthetic and artistry. We approach the design as one prepares a talisman; the book must give form to the author’s words and vision with a sensitivity to the numen or tutelary spirit of the work. We place that level of attention into each and every edition, from our renowned fine bindings to our paperback Bibliothèque rouge editions.



We are fiercely independent, practitioner owned and run. As a small specialist press, we publish between three and five titles a year for an erudite and discerning readership. An emphasis on editorial rigour is central to our publishing ethos, alongside a meticulous and creative attention to material, production, design and typography.

We work with printers and suppliers who demonstrate a strong commitment to sustainability and reducing the environmental impact of the print industry. All the materials we source are archival standard and FSC accredited, for hardback and paperback alike. A well made book will last a lifetime.

Our fine editions are hand bound by the highly respected Ludlow Bookbinders in Shropshire. The paperbacks are printed in short runs in both the UK and the US, minimising air miles and maintaining high production standards.

Knowledge should not be artificially restricted. Our books are all made available in unlimited paperback editions and digital where the format permits, alongside the limited and numbered runs. As a gesture of thanks to our readers, we gift the digital edition (when available) with all print books purchased directly from our website.