
Within the alchemical nigredo
A deeply affecting presentation of images and text from Gast Bouschet’s Anarch, evocatively read by Peter Mark Adams and produced by Darragh Mason, with a soundtrack by Sutekh Hexen and Funerary Call.

On Magic, Art and Two Esoteric Tarots
Peter Mark Adams and Christophe Poncet discuss the Sola Busca tarocchi and the Tarot de Marseille and their place in the occult worlds of Renaissance magic and philosophy.

Mithras and the Saturn cult
Peter Mark Adams shares the fruits of his ongoing research into the enigmatic Sola-Busca tarocchi, discussing the context of the deck’s creation and its ties with the cult of Mithras.

The Egyptian Mysteries
Peter Mark Adams on the Egyptian Mysteries, speaking on the Glitch Bottle podcast, and details of his upcoming course.

Sweet sixteen
Today, on our sixteenth anniversary, we extend our heartfelt thanks to you, and the writers, artists and readers who have joined us in the magical adventure which began on 07/07/07.

Of sacred things
Recent reviews of Peter Mark Adams’s Hagia Sophia / Sanctum of Kronos by Mark Stavish and Denis Poisson.

Holy Wisdom
Peter Mark Adams discusses his latest work on the Hagia Sophia in depth with a host of leading occult podcasts.

New year, new works
An exciting year lies ahead. We’re delighted to welcome new authors and artists to our publishing house and outline the works we have in preparation.

On the mysteries of Dionysos
Peter Mark Adams returns to the Coffee and Divination podcast to speak with JoAnna Farrer about his Mystai: Dancing out the Mysteries of Dionysos.

Dancing out the mysteries
Fascinating interview with Peter Mark Adams posted on The New Mithraeum. He discusses both his Mystai: Dancing out the Mysteries of Dionysos and his research into Mithraism.

On the Sola-Busca tarocchi
Peter Mark Adams on the Sola-Busca tarocchi, exploring the enigmatic imagery of the cards to reveal unexplored dimensions of ritual magic practice in Renaissance Italy.

Ritual grammar and the logic of transcendence at the Villa of the Mysteries
Peter Mark Adams’s presentation on the frescoes of Pompeii's Villa of the Mysteries delivered on the occasion of the launch of his Mystai at Treadwell’s Books.