
Avalonian pilgrimage
event Scarlet Imprint event Scarlet Imprint

Avalonian pilgrimage

A truly magical day walking the precincts of the Holy Island, making pilgrimage from Edmund Hill to Gog and Magog and onwards to the inner sanctum.

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About Avalon Working
essay Scarlet Imprint essay Scarlet Imprint

About Avalon Working

Mark Nemglan discusses his work with the spirits of the Holy Island of Glastonbury. A glimpse of the process of pilgrimage and ritual behind his Avalon Working.

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Sweet sixteen
update Scarlet Imprint update Scarlet Imprint

Sweet sixteen

Today, on our sixteenth anniversary, we extend our heartfelt thanks to you, and the writers, artists and readers who have joined us in the magical adventure which began on 07/07/07.

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New year, new works
update Scarlet Imprint update Scarlet Imprint

New year, new works

An exciting year lies ahead. We’re delighted to welcome new authors and artists to our publishing house and outline the works we have in preparation.

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