Nigromancy with Julio Cesar Ody


Julio Cesar Ody joins the What Magic Is This? podcast to share his profound practical magical knowledge.

Douglas of What Magic Is This? writes,If there is one thing that draws a considerable amount of controversy within contemporary magic, it is the blatant act of evoking demons. It has been called many things but for simplicity’s sake, Nigromancy seems historically specific enough. And yet, the practice of Nigromancy is long tenured throughout not just western ritual magic but many other spiritual traditions as well. One who has experience in both realms, is the sorcerer and author Julio Cesar Ody.

Julio Cesar Ody is as well versed as he is well travelled in the realms of spirits and sorcery. A practical magician who is active in Obeah, Solomonic Magic and Quimbanda, as well as the author of one of my personal favourite contemporary books of sorcery, Magister Officiorum.’

Find Julio at Figueira Magica and on Instagram.

Magister Officiorum Magister Officiorum
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