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Antibody Nation: Gast Bouschet

An interview with artist, sorcerer and occult philosopher Gast Bouschet, whose work Anarch we will publish later this year.

Gast writes, ‘I tried to explain my views on art and alchemical sorcery to Yannick Franck, who visited me in the Ardennes Forest with a small film crew. In an extensive conversation, we talked about, among other things, how to resist being taken over by the art world, how to use light and sound vibrations to destabilise and alter perception, about the blackness and metaphysics of matter that underlie my work, about disintegration into something other than death, about planetary communism, and about the obsolescence of magic circles that are supposed to protect us from the intrusion of foreign forces.’

In darkly atmospheric images, the film documents how the forest gradually takes possession of Bouschet’s decaying sculptural work. Some of the older works are already almost completely destroyed and overgrown, while other newer works will remain standing for some time until they too are taken over by the forest and transformed into alchemical base matter.

Director Yannick Franck
Videographer Camille Filleux
Sound engineer Antoine Vandendriessche

Antibody Label